I had always wanted to own a Porsche, even when I had my Corvette. In 1986 (or so) I began to notice a red 911 parked in the Wells Fargo employee parking lot on the corner of C Street and Northern Lights. I would think to myself I would really like to own this car! Fast forward through getting married and having kids etc., the opportunity came up to buy a red 911 listed for sale in the newspaper. When we called on it the owner was not aware his wife had listed the car, he made plans to meet us to discuss the possibility of us purchasing the car. Low and behold it was “the” red 911 I had been admiring years earlier! The current owner was very particular about the car, he had a book with all the gas/mileage and work done to it since he owned it and as we talked to him on the history of the car we came to find out it had been a repossession that he bought from the bank, so this made him the second owner.
We were now the very excited third owner of this 1985 911 Carrera, our children were still small enough to fit in the back “seats” which allowed us to take them with us on many drives and events when we joined the PCA Club. Teri drove the car as her daily driver that summer to work, which is directly across the street from the former owner and this would prompt him to occasionally call to check up on the car, and mention on more than one occasion that car was not a “woman’s” car, since it is too difficult for a women to drive. We scoffed at that silly notion and she still continues to enjoy our summer car.
I got the notion to drive to PCA Parade starting the year it was held in Portland OR because I felt that someone from Alaska had to do it when no one else was able to make the trip that year. After that I was hooked! I have not missed a Parade since and it is now going on 15 years. I drive the Alcan to whatever location it is being held each year and I still love the drive! Sometimes Teri rides with me but the times that my buddy drives his car and we cruise together is the best! After a few years of driving Teri suggested I get a more current model car, you definitely “feel” the road in the seat of the car and she was opting for a smoother ride. I can’t give up my old girl, she runs great and even the Porsche Family likes to see her when I show up with my blue tape and Alcan mud on her, after all these years and miles together we have lovingly named her “Ole Bessie”.